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Sunday, April 29, 2012

Peter Schiff : Betting Against Gold Has Been The Wrong Trade

Peter Schiff : " I think a lot of the professional money managers, professional speculators, they’ve been betting against this gold bull market for the the last ten years. Betting against gold has been the wrong trade."

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Bill Murphy : JP Morgan manipulating the Gold Market

Bill Murphy of GATA explains how the Gold Cartels ( JP Morgan and co) are manipulation the gold and silver markets , and he explains why to understand the gold and silver markets it is fundamental to know what GATA knows and be familiar with the gold price suppression scheme. How outstanding gold loans and massive paper gold shorts have distorted the market and how this is now unravelling. He talks about GATA's past predictions and how their track record is much better than mainstream gold commentators because these are working with the wrong numbers. He also talks about silver manipulation. Good on Bill Murphy for attacking the evil cartel, must have given him high blood pressure over the years. Excellent interview

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Peter Schiff : save in Gold not in Fiat Currency

Peter Schiff : save Gold not Fiat Currency , Gold & Silver is not a commodity or investment. More than anything else its the only REAL MONEY. You have to spend some fake money and buy the REAL MONEY back, or else the banksters have you by the balls.

Peter Schiff : The FED Chairman is completely wrong he does not understand money he does not understand gold he does not understand the history of money , the thing about Bernanke is that he does not even understand recent history , he thinks that interest rates and home prices are completely unrelated he thinks that it was a pure coincidence that we had this cheap money under his predecessor and the housing bubble that it just happen to happen at the same time ,Ben Bernanke is completely clueless! "
Bernanke purposely lowered the interest rates and increased the money supply ignoring the "liquidity trap"(keynes), the pigou effect and the criticism by kalecki, the only thing that keep the pieces together is the status of world's reserve currency of the dollar, which is based on some twigs and dirt, he knows this and was instrumental in the making of this "situation".

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Bill Murphy explains Gold & Silver Manipulation

Bill Murphy of GATA explains why to understand the gold and silver markets it is fundamental to know what GATA knows and be familiar with the gold price suppression scheme. How outstanding gold loans and massive paper gold shorts have distorted the market and how this is now unravelling.And he explains the tremendous potential in mining stocks and how these have been suppressed too, despite rising gold prices. Given their tiny market capitalization he expects that when the rush comes, they will rise in value very rapidly and outshine even the dotcom bubble

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Marc Faber on Where To Hide Your Gold

Marc Faber says that you should keep your Gold holdings outside the reach of potential confiscators “As you know, we had MF Global. What did the clients get? Less than what they had at the company,” “And I think eventually the financial system will be an MF Global, where you don’t get your money back from the banks and the investment banks and from the mutual funds and so forth and so on. And so I think everybody has to think to himself: how do I protect myself against the Black Swan event?” Marc Faber told Chris Martenson in a recent interview “Where is anything safe? I mean, I think in a safe deposit box is relatively safe, but maybe not in a safe deposit box in the U.S.,”
“If you look at the MF Global case, it seems—I don’t know for sure—but it seems some people got their money, but not others. This is a very disturbing thing to happen in the financial system. And when I see this, I think we have to be very prudent, so I would hold a safe deposit box outside the U.S.. “Now the question is: how is it to hold a safe deposit box with a bank if the bank closes down. And this happens,” Faber continued. “You can also hold safe deposit boxes in duty-free stores, warehouses at airports around the world. In Switzerland we have them; in Singapore we have them, and so forth. So that’s a possibility.” Faber explained

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